OUTDOOR präsentiert:
Mountain Days Brixen Südtirol 14.05.–27.05.2018
Das deutschsprachige Magazin outdoor präsentiert von 14. bis 27. Mai 2018 die Mountain Days Brixen Südtirol. Die Aktivtage verbinden vier traumhafte Destinationen zu einem großen Erlebnisraum: Brixen & Umgebung, Klausen–Barbian – Feldthurns – Villanders, Lüsen und Natz-Schabs und bieten allen Outdoor-Fans eine Vielzahl an Aktivitäten und geführten Touren aus den Themenbereichen Mountain CLASSIC, PEOPLE, NATURE und ADVENTURE.

Zwei Wochen lang die Schönheit der Berge erleben, ob auf dem Gipfel, im Wald oder im Tal. Nebenbei lernen sie alte Traditionen kennen, genießen das echte Bergleben, essen Südtiroler Spezialitäten und begegnen dem Alltag der Einheimischen.
Die Teilnehmerplätze an den Mountain Days Brixen Südtirol sind limitiert.
Infos und Tickets unter
+39 0472 836401
La rivista tedesca OUTDOOR presenta
dal 14 al 27 maggio 2018 i
Mountain Days Brixen Südtirol
͟Le giornate di attività sono un'iniziativa della Bressanone Turismo Società Cooperativa & dintorni, Chiusa –Barbiano – Velturno –Villandro, Luson e Naz Sciaves ed offrono ai tanti fan dell’outdoor innumerevoli attività e tour guidati dalle aree Mountain CLASSIC, PEOPLE, NATURE e ADVENTURE. Dalla classica escursione al sorgere del sole, all’osservazione di fauna e river surf, fino alla notte in bivacco, viene offerto di tutto. Alcune attività vengono svolte solo durante i ͞Mountain Days Brixen Südtirol: contadini di alta montagna aprono le loro porte, le guide locali raccontano della straordinaria flora e fauna nelle Dolomiti altoatesine.

Mountain Days Brixen Südtirol
Informazioni e biglietti su
+39 0472 836401
The German magazine OUTDOOR presents its
Mountain Days Brixen Südtirol from 14th to 27th May 2018
The activity days are a common initiative from Brixen Tourist Board and surroundings, Chiusa – Barbiano –Velturno – Villandro, Luson and Naz Sciaves, and offers all outdoor fans several activities and guided tours of the topic areas Mountain CLASSIC, PEOPLE, NATURE and ADVENTURE. From the classic sunrise hike to wildlife observation and river surf to a night in the bivouac camp, everything is offered.
Some activities can only be experienced during the Mountain Days Brixen Südtirol:
mountain farmers open their doors; local guides give insight about the unique flora and fauna of the South Tyrolean Dolomites. The participants will be accompanied exclusively by mountain guides and tour guides from the surroundings, who can tell exciting stories, anecdotes as well as curiosities about the land and its people. Only a limited number of participants have the opportunity to take part in the
͞Information and tickets on
+39 0472 836401
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