Over Albeins to Klausen, where we admired "Muchs Karre". From there into the Tinnetal and than from Latzfons down to Verdings and Feldthurns to the Wöhrmaurer for Lunch. After that we headed towards Tils on the well known Keschtnweg, just befor surfing my favorite trail down to Brixen.
Mittwoch, 28. April 2010
Over Albeins to Klausen, where we admired "Muchs Karre". From there into the Tinnetal and than from Latzfons down to Verdings and Feldthurns to the Wöhrmaurer for Lunch. After that we headed towards Tils on the well known Keschtnweg, just befor surfing my favorite trail down to Brixen.
Dienstag, 27. April 2010
Freeridetour down from Perlunger
Montag, 26. April 2010
Andreas Hofer Bridge
Sonntag, 25. April 2010
Samstag, 24. April 2010
Eisacktaler Bike Opening 2010
Sonntag, 18. April 2010
Champions showdown
Samstag, 17. April 2010
Brixen East and West
Freitag, 16. April 2010
Rundl Brücke
Mittwoch, 14. April 2010
Espresso Tour
Mittwoch, 7. April 2010
Trail hunting above Brixen
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